
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Weekend of Potty Training!

Potty training.... The dreaded words that make me cringe when I hear them. After already potty training two boys you would think training a 3rd boy would be a piece of cake. Right!? Wrong!
My Dominic is 2 year old, he's extremely intelligent, rambunctious, funny, loving and stubborn as a bull.  I'm guessing that's why he's a Taurus, aka Bull. With his eager to learn personality I sarcastically thought to myself potty training should be fun :-) Dominic can recite and recognize the alphabet. He can direct you home once we enter our community, but potty training was nothing short of what I call, an interesting experience.

Dominic began coming to me letting me know he had spiked his diaper and that's when I knew, IT WAS TIME! I had a weekend coming up that was free of soccer games, outings, Little Rebelz events or housework and decided this was it. I could dedicate all my time to him. We took a trip to Toys R Us Friday morning and chose to start with pull ups.  Once home we had a mommy/daddy take with Master Dom about going to the bathroom like a big boy, just like his two older brothers do.  He was amped, excited, thrilled and full of energy. Pull ups on. Now we wait. Every 30-45 minutes we sat him on the potty. Nada, but would pee pee in the pull up a couple minutes later.

After brainstorming we concluded the "pull up" was too much like a diaper. Master Dom did not get the concept. Change of direction. Back at Babies R Us the next day, we purchased big boy undies with his favorite cartoon characters all hand selected by Master Dom.

Back at home.... The excitement continues. Big boys undies on, potty schedule in place and here we go again. Every 30-45 minutes Dominick got comfy on the potty. After a few tries he sat on the potty and USED IT!!!!  Pee Pee in the potty dances, high fives all around, kisses, hugs and a sigh of relief.

Fast forward to later that night. After dinner the routine continued, this time no luck.  "It's not working Mommy" he said. Off the potty, undies up, we sit back on the sofa and the next thing you know..... Something warm is dripping down my leg. Defeat. Not willing to throw in the white flag, pull ups went on and it was time for bed. We would try again tomorrow.

Sunday morning rolled around, woke up Master Dom and straight to the potty we went.  Pull ups off, undies on and miraculously no accidents all day and all night! Winning!  Master Dom created his own routine pulling me towards the potty each time he had to go.  A few days went by with no accidents and it was time to celebrate again!!!!  We did it!!  On occasion, Dom still has some hiccups especially if we're out of town and his schedule changes but ultimately he has done great. Potty Training can be difficult and frustrating all at the same time, but once its done

Potty training can be difficult and if you're having trouble getting started or gearing up to start, you can find great potty training tips over at You can also join the Big Kid Academy and get special offers, track your child's progress and learn great ways to stay motivated.

Best of luck to all of you Little Rebelz out there!!!  Please leave a comment and let us know your potty training story.

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