
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Atlanta Ultimate Women's Expo

During the period of time where Little Rebelz was just an idea, we had absolutely no clue the amount of work it would take to get it off the ground. In two months, I would like to think we've come a long way. With the second Women's Expo under our belt, we see nothing but a bright future.  The Ultimate Women's Expo in Atlanta was an absolute success. We were well received by so many people and are thrilled at the overwhelming positive responses.

            The expos continue to be beneficial learning experiences allowing us to grow as a company, business partners and most of all... sisters.  I (Christina) work full time as an RN at St. Vincent's Medical center and while nursing is a great passion of mine, I have an overactive drive to be great.  I refuse to put my name on a project that I'm not giving 100%.  After working my 4th graveyard shift for the week, I arrived home at 8am where I packed my truck, picked up my daughter and high tailed to pick up my driver (my mother in law). My plan was to gain some Zzz Zzz on the road from Jacksonville, Fl to Atlanta Ga which was unsuccessful. My 11 month old and the love of my life decided she didn't want to be trapped in her car seat for 5 hours, so we laughed and played in the back seat while having adult conversations.

Arriving at the Georgia World Congress Center was somewhat of an adventure. With all the construction mixed with city traffic, we found ourselves lost several times.  When we finally arrived, I must say we were in awe. There were an overwhelming amount of booths ANDDDD, we would be showcasing our products for the same expo as well known celebrities.  The Atlanta Expo was definitely bigger than the previous one in Jacksonville.  We located our booth and got to work. The set up will forever be my favorite.  Organizing brings me back to my days of shopping for "back to school".  I would always be so excited to hang up my purchases and lay out my favorite pieces for the very first day of class. Then I caught myself Gazing at our booth, reflecting on how all this all started thinking to myself "yes! It's really happening"

Day 1. I always start my day nervous as can be with a touch of insecurity. What if no one likes our style? What if we don't sell?  After meeting the first few customers, the anxiety is gone and excitement takes control.  Unfortunately, we can't please everyone but we're not meant to.  Our mission is to reach as many families as possible, all the while offering a new look for those Rebelz whose sense of style can't seem to be understood.

Day 2.  After getting a feel for our customers, the Atlanta Expo became both more and less hectic.  By this time we knew our products were a hit and while this was an amazing feeling, Little Rebelz experienced waves of customers who all wanted a piece of a 10x10 booth. Meanwhile we were only two customer service representatives that also worked as sales and stock persons, cashiers and  baggers.  We found that we sold out of our smaller sizes rather quickly and zoned in on the items that were the most sought after.  At a quarter to 5 Sunday evening, an Expo staff member stopped by to give us packing and loading dock protocol followed by an announcement that was made to usher customers out the door. The customers who hadn't made their way all the way around were sad to see us packing up and many even made purchases despite the mess. Are you located in Atlanta? Do you have a storefront? Our answers to these popular questions prompted both exciting and not so great responses. We had some who were excited tthey could shop Little Rebelz from the comfort of their own Pjs.  Others, were disappointed they could not physically try on the apparel and accessories or bring their Little Rebelz to meet us.

Throughout this process we have met amazing entrepreneurs, both men and women. As a newborn company, they have all been kind enough to offer friendly advice for our areas of opportunity.  We're proud to say we are taking heed to all of their suggestions and constructive criticism and are in the process of revamping our website, product descriptions, our fall apparel and accessories and maybe even popping up in your city.  We encourage our faithful followers to reach out with suggestions pertaining to what you would like to see next season, sizes and oh so necessary items.

We look forward to visiting a town near you. Again, we are humbly thankful for all your valued support.

Christina R-

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