
Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Little Rebelz are not only about personal style but the empowerment for little boys and girls, men and women everywhere.

As a Nursing graduate in August, 2009, I can tell you that working a full time job and being a full time nursing student was the most exhausting task ever!!! Nothing has changed in these past five plus years. Many nurses are overworked, understaffed, emotionally drained and will still tell you they absolutely love their job. Working with those in need is fulfilling and heartwarming. On any given day you will notice that God has placed you with that patient for a reason, to either change, or inspire  their life, lend a helping hand or receive inspiration from them.

I attended a pinning ceremony on 5/12/2015 for a dear friend of mine and it was a truly emotional experience. The first two to be pinned were brothers who were pinned by their mother. WHAT A TEAR JERKER! I'm definitely not the publicly emotional type, but this brought me to my knees.  Following these two men were students pinned by their husbands, wives, children and friends. How sweet! How
very sweet it is to have the ones who walked with you through your journey, held your hands in time of need and helped you push through guide you across that stage. The name of my good friend was called. She's one of the many people that have endured some of the hardest times in her academic career.  Her best friend and appointed pinner  experienced some bad luck with a flat tire on her way up from Sanford Florida; so I was honored to help her cross that stage. She was handed a single white rose, a lamp battery candle (in honor of Florence nightingale) and I was handed her pin. I have a fear of standing up in front of a forum of people and public speaking, but shaking like a salt shaker I managed to get her pin on correctly without dropping it. Whew!  After shedding a few tears, hugs and laughs we crossed the stage, she greeted her instructors and mentors then returned to her classmates as a college graduate.

Tishjauna Johnson, Tish or Philly as I call her is the mother of four Beautiful children, two of which are twins. When Tish started this journey she knew it would be far from easy. As a parent, your children require the most attention whether you're busy or not. (Seems like when you're not busy, they're the most quiet right) Nursing school was an awesome experience but it wasn't all peaches and cream. There were a few naysayers, times when she didn't know who could watch her kids, how she would get to class, a failed class and sleepless nights followed by exhausted mornings but with encouragement, determination and focus she made it through.  It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a team to build a nurse. With her team of Instructors, children, friends, family and peers, she made it. They made it.
 Her story is truly an inspiration. No matter the circumstance, trials and tribulations, keep going. 
These three quotes provided by the students were so memorable, encouraging and appropriate:

"What you are is gods gift to you, what you become is your gift to God."

"In order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
Christina RN
Little Rebelz.

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