
Friday, June 12, 2015

A Little Rebel Turns 1

Our Rebel of the week goes to the First Lady of Little Rebelz, the one and only Logan Olivia. She's Sweetly spoiled, a joy to be around and a sight for sore eyes and the first girl on both sides of the family. 

We are a week post my Little Rebelz first birthday and she never ceases to amaze me. Logan Olivia has been walking for 2 months now, she says hi in her ever so raspy voice and when I say no.... tries to run away.  She is, hands down the funniest person in my life. I experienced my first potty break watching fingers wiggle and reach through from the bottom of the bathroom door. Frightened pups beings chased with cooking spoons and attempting to climb on everything.  Although I get excited about what the future holds, its so hard for me to let go of my cuddly baby.

I'm not sure how it is for most moms but this being my first child, the first birthday jitters had me emotional a few months prior to the big day.  Watching a peanut grow into an amazing little person is such a mind blowing experience.  Before children were an option or a reality my husband and I always said we would have something very small and intimate for our children's first celebration of life.   Our friends and family always said we were crazy and knew we were sure to change our minds once the time came.... nope!  We were determined to stick to our guns.

A day before her actual birthday, Little Lola wasn't feeling too well and was diagnosed with a double ear and upper respiratory infection.  Did I mention she was teething? ANDDDD when she teethes it's 2-3 teeth at a time!  After seeking advice from fellow mommas, this all seemed too common around her age.  After a little Tylenol, prescribed antibiotics and my favorite invention ever..... The handy dandy Nose Frida, June 6, 2015 was on the couch; a quiet night; Just us 3.

Sunday afternoon was our first family zoo trip. Needless to say Logan was more interested in the kids running around and picking up every leaf she could get her hands on than she was the animals.  She walked, ran, was carried, sat in her stroller with her portable fan and vomited. Time to go. A pit stop at the grandparents and back home we went.  Always the procrastinators, we slipped the bakery some extra cash to bake a cake the same day and she had a whole cake to herself.  We sang Happy Birthday to our First Lady as she clapped and swayed. She tried to grab the candles, mushed the cake, even put her own face in it (that I failed to capture due to full storage on my iPhone) Once she seemed to have enough her father and I tag teamed her and she enjoyed her favorite pastime (bathing). Some milk mixed with baby food followed and she was out for the night.

I can't help but to think how blessed we are to carry children. Sure it does a number on our bodies, our hormones may go wild and we hibernate like bears, but it is worth it.  Share some of your Rebelz Birthday stories with us. We would love to hear from you! happy birthday Geminis!!!

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