
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Late For School......Again!

 One morning last week  I called my Best friend as I normally do in the morning, after I drop my boys off at school. My call was picked up, but I was not greeted by a hello. On the other end of the phone I hear my friend say, "lets go we are late for school, again". Then I hear her say to me this time "let me call you right back"'. Thirty minutes go by and my phone rings, and there's a more calm version of my friend on the other line. As we begin our conversation she starts to explain why her daughter was late to school.
As I begin to interrogate her, I figured out that my 4 year old god daughter was having a fashion emergency. "Difference of opinion" she says. "You know your god daughter can be a diva." . Her favorite sweater was no where to be found. Her staple piece is a pink hooded sweatshirt with bright pink stars on it. This sweater is her comfort zone when all else fails. She wears it with her jeans, dresses it up with dresses, and wears it while she watches her cartoons. 
After ten different choice tops, it was clear that nothing else was going to satisfy her that morning. She didn't like anything, not her jeans, not her boots, not her jacket. There was nothing her mom could do to make it better. As time passed they finally gave up. They ran out the house, got in the car and zoomed to school.  It was clear that my god daughter and my best friend were having a no good,very bad day. 

Late for school, and still no sweater, they pulled up in the school parking lot 20 minutes late. They get out run to the door where they are greeted by  Mrs. Rodriguez (Tyanis' teacher). "Good morning Mrs Rodriguez" Tyani said.  Mrs Rodriguez replied, "Good morning Tyani. You know you left your sweater in the music room yesterday, and I have it sitting in my classroom" A look of relief was written all over my god daughters face. She was soooo happy to hear that her sweater was not lost and the world was not ending. Tyani said "goodbye" to her mom and gave her a kiss. She rushed into the classroom to get her sweater. In that moment her bad morning was washed away.

When her mom told me the story we laughed. We talked about how fashion affects so many people, even a four year old little girl with a favorite sweater. My friend never did tell me that she was relieved to find the sweater, but as a mother, I know she was. Fashion is not just for adults, it's also for our mini me's.  I was so happy to hear that everything worked out in the end. Fashion can always make us feel better!


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